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Autumn brings a giddiness of new beginnings. School is back in session, fall sports are kicking off, and it seems that everything is skipping into place. Unfortunately, that doesn’t include the dental world – where September is known as a month of patient flow slumps.

It doesn't have to be this way. When you know how to market your practice so it keeps attracting high value cases, even in slow times and moody economies, you can enjoy what you’ve built and have peace of mind that you won’t lose it.

The slowdown could be blamed on any number of variables, but if you peel back the layers, a practice with slowing production at certain points of the year is a clue. This clue may reveal that your practice is not as strong as it appears on the surface.

If you’re already seeing signs of a slowdown on the horizon, now is a good time to make the adjustments required to change that. And it’s not necessarily a slow down in hygiene visits. It could be you’re not seeing the higher case values that could solidify and increase production without you working long hours.

Let’s not narrow our focus to this fall slump alone. Fortifying your practice for year-round success requires a different approach to doing dentistry. This approach includes decreasing your dependence on PPO patients, allowing you to keep more of what you earn. 

It’s no secret that insurance increasingly controls what doctors can and cannot do. Why are you letting folks who didn’t go to dental school make decisions for you and your patients? 

Have you had enough?

Ditching insurance is a simple process, but it’s not easy. In addition to showing you how to avoid the September slowdown, Amplify360’s approach to doing dentistry will help you:

  • Break out of what we call the PPO Prison
  • Put the insurance beast in its place and remove its talons from controlling your future
  • Build a practice that is immune to the general market cycles of the average dentist (including crummy Septembers)

 If you haven’t gotten your hands on our very popular report, Busting Out of the PPO Prison, or you read it a while ago but didn’t act on it, it’s not too late to make changes before Slumptember commences. Better yet? Schedule your Practice Growth Call and let us help you. 

Break out of the market cycles that limit the success of most dentists, and request the complimentary report that can explain how to do it.


Written by Amplify360

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